On the radio today (station 97.5FM Raleigh, NC) the DJs proudly announced that the famous R&B artist, R Kelly, was found not guilty on charges of having sexual activities with a girl no older than the age of 14. The question is, why? Why would the American legal system find such a horrid offense not guilty?
Child pornography, it is a rising problem in our American society and it's not being handled quick enough. While we have federal departments working around the clock to stop Internet fiends out to find a young child to rape or kidnap, we are missing the big picture. During the beginning of the Patriot Acts, George W. Bush enacted a department which would track down terrorist, by using key words in the world wide web. While terrorism is still a threat and will always be a threat, there are personal issues that should also be taken care of in the United States of America.
The rising number of drug scandals and underage sex running through our habitats are growing at alarming rates. While we have found tiny submarine like vessels transporting large quantities of cocaine and marijuana from Cuba, the danger of drugs like LSD, Heroine, and Crack are still on the loose. We may be able to stop the drugs from getting on to American soil but, how can we stop it in our ghettos and run down neighborhoods right now?
Child pornography makes me sick just thinking of the words that complete the action. While I will not share my personal views on what I think of R Kelly as a person. I will say that his actions in the case of raping and urinating on a fourteen year old girl are atrocious. I do believe he is guilty, even if there is a lack of evidence.
It may be asked why I focus on these issues and not more impending issues such as murder and white collar crimes; I'll just save those for another blog.
Drug addicts will crucify me for being against them because, I was once a drug addict myself. I did not dwell into the realms of heroine and crack. I did however constantly use grass, pills, and alcohol. I did however use cocaine once but, it was an experimentation and I did not find it satisfying what-so-ever. The drug community is a weird melting pot of psychos, weirdos, and loonies. They do not all start off this way. They start off as normal people just like you but, then again, what really is normal?
My question for everyone is, why can't we start a new organization that focuses twenty four seven on just tracking down sex offenders, rapist, child pornography makers, kidnappers, and potential sex fiends? We need to start cleaning up America, and I believe (due to the recent issues of drug submarines and the R Kelly case) we should start in these two areas.
Friday, June 13, 2008
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