Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Is Dead

It's depressing to think about but, skateboarding has just become less fun. I can't go roll out there and do it like I want to. It occured to me that I can't make a living out of it like I dreamed about because kids half my age are doing double the tricks I can do, first try everytime. I just ride around and have fun now, I'm not even worried about landing new tricks. Everyone's kickflipping and nollie heelflipping out of every grind imaginable nowadays and all the creativity is just dead. Just like when everyone went out and jumped on the biggest hand rail, skateboarding's dying. I love it so much and I won't give it up for the world, but it's going through it's annual period. It gets really trendy for a decade or so, and then once everyone's raped it of all it has to offer at the time, they dump it like a cheap toothless hooker.

I want to be the one to bring the creativity back, but it's just moving too fast. I think of something and the next day it'll be on youtube done by somebody who's style is to wear tight pants and top hats. Speaking of youtube, it is another thing that has killed skateboarding. I was extremley pissed off the day I saw Cairo Foster's part from the Lakai video THE DAY AFTER THE RELEASE on youtube. Everyone just wants their videos for free and it seriously put a knife in the back of every skateboarder out there. I guess it just happens, but I'll keep skating, it just won't be my yearly income. And I'm fine with that.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Dead or Alive

I'm a cowboy, on a steel horse I ride....

So lately I have become very enticed with the show "The Deadliest Catch", as I explained in my last update, it shows one of the most awesome jobs ever. I'll explain myself by telling you about it.

The Time Bandit (my favorite) is lead by John who is a very sporadic man. In the world of any high seas fishing you're never supposed to leave port on a Friday. You can leave at 11:59 on a Thursday night or 12:01 on a Saturday morning, but you never leave on a Friday; it's bad luck. Well everyone stayed docked because it was a Friday and there was a storm coming. John said fuck that and left dock on Friday. But being the superstitious man he is he did a Swedish left hand circle to prevent bad luck when he left port. It helped him and he beat the bad weather and got all of his crabs pots (cages) out before everyone else.

Then there is the Cornelia Marie lead by a father whose son works on deck with him. His son is a greenhorn which basically means he's a rookie of the seas. I forgot the captains name but his son's name was Jake. Anyways, Jake proved he was tough enough to work on the ship when his father bet he could beat him at a game of chicken. Not like racing cars head to head chicken. No it's when two men put one arm against the other man's and drop a lit cigarette in between them; first to flinch loses. Needless to say Jake won. They're a very good team but on their first day off on the first episode their ship had engine troubles and they were in the midst of a bad storm. So they had to dump all their pots as soon as they could to prevent from flipping. In a storm if the ship has too many pots on it, it ruins the ships balance and makes it easier to flip.

The Northwestern was headed by Sib, who beared some resemblance to William Defou (spelled his name wrong, think of Platoon & Green Goblin guy). But he's blond and very funny. They left port on Saturday with the rest of the fleet and got caught in the storm. Not much happened on Sib's end but his crew is awesome.

My second favorite is the Maverick, which in the first season was headed by a different captain. Now it's headed by one of the young guys who was a deck hand and that kid's got some talent. On the first episode they failed their inspection and had to get a new quota on how many pots they could hold. There is a restriction on how many you can hold now due to the fact ships have flipped from being unbalanced and severe storms. Well their last inspection like that was in 1988 and the guy who wrote the warrant is dead. So they had to get a whole new inspection and got demoted from being able to hold 100 pots to only 70. Which sucks because the more pots you have, the better chance you have of catching more crab. They got off to a late start and probably didn't do good that season, I forget.

There's also the Rollo but I didn't pay close attention to them. All I know is they're a husband and wife team.

Anyways it's a great show, go watch and figure out what I'm talking about.

Anyone wanna go fishing?

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Sailing Away

Well this is where it begins.

Lately I have had an urge to explore not only the world but life. If that doesn't make sense then let me explain. First it started with just a need to read. Jackie gave me a list of books and I have made a list of books I have to pick up next time I go to Barnes & Nobles with some cash in my pocket. I just want to read what I have missed for so long. For 15 or 16 years I have never been a book reader. I didn't read any of the books in 9th grade english so just this year I went back and read Farenhiet 451. And I only read Maus and Night last year, I had already read All Quiet on The Western Front. But ever since Jackie has given me some autobiographies and I got put in Mr. Langevin's class, I've become enthused with reading.

To the next point, Jackie and I had an in depth conversation on a wide variety of things last night. From concerts to careers, it was a very crazy pletherau of talk. She said that there's really no point for actors or even professional skaters, what real good are they doing for the world other than to entertain us. As hard as it is for me to admit skaters these days seem to abuse their paychecks and don't really use it for any good unless they are supporting a family or donating to charities. She said everyone needs a real job. I was confused at first because you think if you make a living off of something it is considered a real job. But that's not really the truth, those are just jobs that wouldn't change the progression of the world if eliminated. I love watching The Deadliest Catch because those men really experience life. Life is not sitting on the edge of your couch waiting for the next episode of The Hills, it's going out there and living it even if your life is in danger.

These men bravely sail the seas for a paycheck the pails in comparisson to most, but they put life and limb on the line for endless hours on a day for it. Maybe that's what I want to do. I don't know, I really just want to skate and build. I don't want to be tied down to one job it seems after our talk last night. If you really want to make everything of your life you have to work hard and play hard. The work would be a construction worker because I'm not too shabby with a hammer, and skating just because it's my passion. I don't know, it will all come to me one day. In the end maybe I'll end up living the life of Jimmy Buffett. Doubt it but wouldn't that be some shit?